Friday, June 09, 2006

Sad Cubed

Yvette says disasters come in three. This week, she seems to be correct.

First Katie bumped her head on a stair. She was very brave. She only cried a little bit. Her Dad didn’t handle it as well, especially the bleeding – the first time she has bled. The people at the emergency room at Claremont Hospital were great and Katie had a great time interacting with them. What a brave girl! They used superglue not stitches. Evertime I look medicine becomes more like car mechanics...

Then I had my spill on the bike. I have recovered fully. Only a slight twinge. And Sermon on a Mount is back to normal too.

Thirdly, we lost Floyd yesterday. I was heading off to work early when I noticed someone parked in the road ahead just outside our flat. The good Samaritan had spotted poor Floyd lying by the side of the road. She must have been hit on the head by a car and killed instantly. She was still warm so it must have happened seconds before I got there. We buried her last night next to the bird bath so she can continue watching the birds… We'll miss you good friend.


Gus said...

Sorry to hear it all man... may God regruntle and comfort you all.

I am sure God can do that.

But me - I send cyberhugs.

Rock in the Grass (Pete Grassow) said...

Hey bud: there are always silver linings somewhere! Just think of the opportunitiy for hugs and kisses to Katie; and the added learning of bike riding; and the opportunity to release a life into the great unknown - perhaps she will return as a Tiger.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Kath

Anonymous said...

Hi Gregs, I only just read this. I am so sorry. About Katies head and very much about Floyd. Please be careful on that ruddy bike.
Love you